Jumat, 14 Januari 2011

The Base of Sharia Economy Theory

As every people know that syaria economy concept is adopted  from Islam. Islam is a religion which has an excellency that another religion doesn't have. Islamic theory is global, it causes Islam has everything concept of people advantages.
In Islam there are two ways to have worship, those are Habluminallah and Habluminannas,, The worship that have connection  to God directly  is Habluminallah, and worship to God by making relation ship well to other people or everything that could be everything you do in the name of Allah.
syaria in Islam is rules for people to pass his life calmly, straightly, and suit with what God want people created for.

Syaria has already existed since people know about islam, it means that Economy Syaria has come first before Capitalism Economy was exist.
I took an picture of the Capitalism System from Dwi Condro Triono's papers, here we go
Compare them!!!
note : sistem Ekonomi kapitalis   =}Capitals Economy System
         Seluruh harta                     =} All of the wealth
         Diserahkan pada mekanisme pasar=}Is given to market mekanism
         Bebas dalam Kepemilikan =}Free in belonging
         Bebas dalalm pemanfaatan =} Free in using belonging
         Bebas dalam pengembangan kepemilikan=}Free in development belonging

 In Syaria Economy it's listed the division of wealth belonging ; Private Belonging, General Belonging, and Government Belonging,, it would make a fair of wealth distribution of people.

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