Minggu, 22 Januari 2012

Kembalikan Indah Negeriku, Kembalikan Kebanggaanku!

(Analisis perubahan sektor perekonomian Negara)
Oleh: Nida Afifah
Wahai pemuda, pernahkah terlintas apa yang sebenarnya kita banggakan dari negeri Indonesia?, pernahkah terlintas apa yang menjadikan Indonesia masih bertahan?, pernahkah terlintas siapa yang tega membiarkan Indonesia kini dalam keterpurukannya?, pernahkah terlintas kapan Indonesia kembali menjadi primadona dunia?, pernahkah?

Counter Obesity by Increasing the Quality of Food

Essay Question: Would a ‘fat tax’ be an effective policy to counter obesity?

As we know, the most necessary thing to live the life for people is to eat. What we eat is usually our favorite indulgences.
People like cheese, ice cream, butter, and other foods with high fat content; but that fat may kill themselves by greatly increasing their cholesterol and obesity levels and raising their risk of heart disease, the evidence of it is quite a few people around the world suffer those disease, and the most the only one cause is unhealthy life style.
          Obesity refers to an abnormally high proportion of body fat. It may result from undesirable weight gain caused by increased consumption of energy-dense foods high in saturated fats and sugars, concomitant with reduced physical activity.[1]

Teori-Teori Ekonomi Pembangunan

Melalui hasil pengamatan dan penelitian para ahli terhadap pembangunan ekonomi, lahir teori-teori yang kemudian menjadi landasan proses pembangunan.  diantaranya;


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